The main service provided by Stoneacre Lodge is that of long term care with permanent assistance given throughout the day and night. Besides a call point in each bedroom, there are call points positioned in communal toilets and lounges, meaning that at any time, help is very close at hand.
Our staff will look to rehabilitate a resident’s health wherever possible by encouraging independent movement and nurturing nutritional appetite. A full care plan is developed with family members during the first few days and weeks, to ensure that preferential routines and tastes are catered to, providing continuity and security.
We believe that keeping the mind and body stimulated and active significantly improves overall wellbeing. Stoneacre Lodge encourages a sense of community and social inclusion, with birthdays, parties, celebrations and events constantly occurring. We feel that this helps bring the Home to life and gives the atmosphere a homely vibe and character. Visits from the local pastor, choir sessions by children from our local school, mobile libraries and organised mobility classes (including chair Zumba) all add to daily life at Stoneacre Lodge.
The Home employs a dedicated activities co-ordinator and activity sessions are designed to stimulate and engage those residents who wish to participate. There are also specially adapted communal computers that can be used for residents to stay in touch with loved ones via social media or video conferencing. If residents are happy to use mobile devices they are able to access Wi-Fi from their own bedrooms too.
General Information
Facilities and Features
- Three easily accessible bathrooms
- Six communal toilets
- Bath & Chair hoists
- Full laundry service
- Three lounges including conservatory
- Television sets to lounges
- Telephone line access
- Free Wi-Fi access
- An attractive back garden
- Two communal touch screen GEM computers
Weekly Activities
Our weekly activities include:
- Bingo
- Afternoon Matinees
- Cards
- Board Games
- Arts & Crafts
- Mobile Library
- Afternoon Matinees
- Dominoes
- Remembrance Sessions
- Duke Box Sing-a-Long
Care Home Type
Residential & Dementia
Registering Authority
Rates Residential Private
First Floor £720 pw / Ground Floor £725 pw
Name of Owner
Seth Homes Ltd
Nursing Home Member Association
Client Category
Residential & Dementia
Rates Dementia Private
First Floor £720 pw / Ground Floor £725 pw